Emotional Intelligence


About this course

Emotional intelligence describes a person’s ability to understand his feelings, and how these feelings may affect motivation, productivity and behavior.

The term “emotional intelligence” has emerged since the 1990s, but it was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985. As a result of the growing appreciation and appreciation of professionals for the importance of these feelings and their relationship to the results of work, research continues in this field until Daniel Goleman published one of the best selling books in EI which became widespread across the media and organizations.

The course uses interactive activities, videos, pictures and assignments that link the course to personal and practical life in order to achieve an excellent level of emotional intelligence.

What You Will Learn

  • Knowledge and practice of self-management, self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills
  • Understand, use, and manage their feelings and emotions
  • Communicate successfully with others
  • Learn the benefits of emotional intelligence
  • Link emotional intelligence to the nature and workplace
  • Balance optimism and pessimism
  • Effectively influencing others



Edraak, is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform, that is an initiative of the Queen Rania Foundation (QRF). QRF is determined to ensure that the Arab world is at the forefront of educational innovation. As such, QRF has capitalized on regional Arab talent to leverage technology developed by the Harvard-MIT consortium, edX, to create the first non-profit Arabic MOOC platform. The new MOOC platform will present the Arab world with unique and vital opportunities that can be part of a necessary revolution in education and learning.

First, the platform will broadcast the best Arab professors to the region, offering original Arabic courses – developed by QRF – to further enrich Arab education. Through its partnership with edX, the platform will also give Arab learners access in Arabic to courses taught and developed at top tier institutions like HarvardX, MITX, and UC BerkelyX. All courses are delivered at no cost to the learner.

Second, QRF envisions the use of the platform to showcase Arab role models by broadcasting short online courses by practitioners and professionals from a variety of fields spanning the arts and sciences.

Finally, QRF believes that the platform will enable the Arab world to take advantage of the international interest in regional affairs to tell its own story to the world. Arab university professors and regional experts can use the platform to give courses in English about the region and its history. This will serve to inform a global audience that is interested in the region’s development.


Ahmed Al-Assad

Ahmed Al-Assad is an expert in the field of motivation. He is passionate about talent and helping young people discover their talents and energies and building their lives around those talents. – Founder of Talentology for training – Holds a master of talent and creativity (excellence) – Holds a Strengths-based Education Certificate – Certified Trainer from the Institute of Leadership and Management – UK (ILM) – Trainer in the fields of self-development and discovery of talent for students and companies from several countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Libya, Qatar and Sudan.

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