A training course for the broadcaster


About this course

A great broadcaster is one who prepares well for what he will present to the public and leaves nothing to chance.

He is the one who is in control of the mechanisms of dialogue with his guests, has a wide culture and keeps up with the latest developments.

The owner of a loud voice that attracts the attention of the audience, and is confident of himself.

Quick-witted .. able to overcome critical situations.

He is also a professional broadcaster who is required to fulfill several specifications in order to ensure his success and distinction in the media.

I am Ahmed Al-Maliki .. and this is the distinguished broadcaster’s bag.

What will I get from this course?

Free access until the end of the course.
Paid Certificate.

Skills covered by the course

  • The concept of preparation and its basic methods.
  • Important basics in planning preparation.
  • The importance of psychological preparation before the episode.
  • Audio Preparation during Episode 1 Presentation.
  • Audio preparation during episode 2 presentation.
  • Body language corresponds to spoken speech.
  • Preparation and continuous self-training.
  • Prepare the episode’s content.
  • Smart preparation.
  • How do you prepare to meet the guest?
  • Cautions to avoid.
  • The conclusion lesson.
  • Learn the basics of smart preparation for a program.
  • Learn about research methods and obtain basic information for a program.
  • Identify the most important mistakes that every broadcaster must avoid.
  • Mastering the skills of drawing the program’s preparatory plan.
  • Mastery of good preparation skills for guest questions.
  • Mastering the skills of dealing professionally with the pitfalls that the broadcaster may encounter on the air.

Course requirements

  • Knowledge of the Arabic language.
  • A computer or smartphone.

The Lecturers

Muhammad Krishan

Presenter and presenter of Al-Jazeera news channel

He worked as a news anchor for BBC Arabic television in London from 1995 to 1996, and worked as a correspondent for Monte Carlo and Holland Arab broadcasts in Tunisia from 1991 to 1995, and worked as a reporter for a number of Arab newspapers from 1988 to 1995. He worked as an editor for Arab affairs in a number of independent and opposition weekly newspapers. He worked as a presenter and presenter for a weekly political program at Radio Tunis from 1991 to 1993. He was a collaborator with the Reuters news agency 1981. He was awarded the best radio journalist award in 1992, and a special honor from the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for his coverage of the Palestinian issue in 1993. He has published two books: The Palestine Liberation Organization, History and the Factions, “Tunisia in 1986,” Al-Jazeera … and its Sisters “(a collection of articles on the media), Paris in 2006. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Committee to Protect Journalists in New York since July 2011. News and programs broadcaster for Al-Jazeera TV since its inception in November 1, 1996.

Ahmed Yousef Al-Maliki

A trainer in media skills

Salem Aljoouchi

Trainer of voice focus, speech and dubbing at Al Jazeera Media Institute
He worked as a teacher for voice and speech at the Institute of Fine Arts in Aden from 1984 to 1993. He is currently a trainer for voice focus, speech and dubbing at Al Jazeera Media Institute. In addition to his coaching experience, he is a theater, radio and television actor and director.

Iman Ayad

Presenter and presenter of Al-Jazeera news channel
Anchor and presenter at Al-Jazeera news channel- She joined Al-Jazeera in 1998 as a reporter from the American capital before joining her headquarters in Doha. She has worked as a field correspondent for a number of channels, as a preparer and presenter for television and radio programs, and has a collection of articles published in a number of Arab publications.

Salma El-Gamal

Presenter and presenter of Al-Jazeera news channel
Anchor and presenter at Al-Jazeera News – She worked as a news anchor for a number of satellite television channels, including “Russia Today” channel, before joining Al-Jazeera News as a broadcaster and presenter in 2012.

Course lessons:

First Lesson:
Meaning of preparation and its basic methods
The preparation for any television or radio program is based on two important parts .. Do you know them?

the second lesson:
Important basics in planning preparation
There is a set of questions that the broadcaster must answer before starting to prepare for his show. If you know these questions then you are planning your program well.

the third lesson:
The importance of psychological preparation before the episode
How was your first meeting with your audience? Did you feel in awe of facing the camera?

Lesson Four:
Audio Preparation during Episode 1 Presentation
The announcer’s voice is his defining imprint in front of his audience .. If he is able to refine it, he will succeed in the most difficult task: draw the attention of his followers from the first handshake.

The fifth lesson:
Audio preparation during episode 2 presentation
No matter how brilliant the broadcaster was and his familiarity with the aspects of his topic, this does not obviate attention to his voice and his good performance.

Lesson Six:
Physical preparation and its compatibility with spoken speech
Our body language gives a first impression of our personalities, the extent of our self-confidence and our ability to deal with the most difficult situations .. so what about the importance of body language for the broadcaster?

Lesson Seven:
Preparation and continuous self-training
Every program has a beginning and an end, and it passes through the content presentation stage .. So what distinguishes each stage?

Lesson eight:
Prepare the episode’s content
The successful broadcaster is part of the preparation team, and he should participate in the preparation of the episode.

How does it contribute to the preparation process if there is a dedicated team?

Lesson nine:
Smart preparation
Golden points, mind maps and visual clues are terms related to smart preparation .. Do you know their details?

Lesson Ten:
How do you prepare to meet the guest?
Interviews are the fruit of talk shows .. how can I prepare for them? Does the personality of the guest impose on the broadcaster a different preparation?

Eleventh Lesson:
Cautions to avoid
If you are not well prepared for the topic of the interview and are not familiar with its details, this will make your preparation weak.

Final lesson
Accurate and smart preparation and finding an optimal way to present information are the basics of every broadcaster preparing the program that he will present.

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